What Causes Dry Eyes and Blurry Vision?

Blurry vision and dry eyes are two uncomfortable symptoms that often go hand-in-hand. Dry eye disease is a condition that affects more than five million people in the U.S. every year. But if you experience dry eyes, blurry vision can be one of its symptoms. 

That said, having both blurry vision and dry eyes can be a sign of another health condition. Essentially, there is a connection between these two conditions. Sometimes, treating dry eyes can alleviate blurry vision. 

Dry Eyes

Symptoms of dry eye disease occur when your eyes fail to produce enough or good-quality tears to keep them lubricated. You need to understand what is causing your eyes to dry out to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Blurry Vision

Various medical and eye conditions can cause blurry vision. This problem can make it difficult to see objects as clearly as you should. Furthermore, it can affect vision in one or both of your eyes. 

Both of these problems are common. In most cases, they are not too serious. But sometimes, they can indicate a general or more complex health problem that requires medical treatment. 

The Connection Between Dry Eyes and Blurry Vision

As stated above, blurry vision and dry eyes have a close connection. When your eyes dry out due to inadequate tear production, they can cause you to experience dry eyes. However, blurry vision does not lead to dry eyes. It is an important distinction to understand. 

If you often experience blurry vision and dry eyes, you should first focus on your dry eyes. Often, treating dry eyes should solve your blurry vision. However, the first thing you should do is consult an eye doctor. 

About Blurry Vision and Dry Eyes

Often, both conditions are symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Other symptoms you may experience include:

  • Eye pain
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Itchy eyes
  • A sensation of having a foreign object in your eye

But when you experience blurry vision along with dry eyes, this may be an indication of another health condition such as Sjogren’s syndrome or lupus.

Causes of Blurry Vision and Dry Eyes

Several factors can cause blurry vision and dry eyes. Some of these include:

  • Sometimes, contact lenses can trigger symptoms of dry eye and blurry vision.
  • Your tears may dry too quickly, preventing your eyes from staying lubricated.
  • Spending too much time staring at digital screens can cause blurry vision and dry eyes.
  • Decreased tear production can stem from dehydration, leading to dry eyes and blurry vision.
  • Certain medications can cause dry eyes and blurry vision as a side effect.
  • Dietary insufficiencies, such as vitamin A. 


There are several ways to treat or prevent dry eyes and blurry vision. Some include OCT eye drops, lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, and home remedies like applying a warm compress. However, the best course of action is to consult an eye doctor. 

To learn more about dry eyes and blurry vision, visit Urban Optics at our office in College Station, Texas. You can call (979) 690-0888 today to schedule an appointment.

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