Eye Drops May Not Be Enough to Treat Dry Eye: Here's Why

Different health conditions may cause dry eyes to be a symptom. Your eyes can dry out for various reasons, such as staying out on a windy day or staring at your computer without blinking for a long time. Among the many treatments used for dry eyes, using eye drops can give you instant relief. Read on to learn if eye drops can be enough for your dry eye treatment.

What Are Dry Eyes?


Dry eyes occur when your eyes are not able to produce enough tears for lubrication or your eyes do not have quality tears. The tear film plays a significant role in maintaining the health of your eye. It provides constant lubrication and moisture to maintain eye comfort and clear vision.

Tears contain water, oils, mucus, antibodies, and proteins. Water is essential for moisture, while the oils prevent the tear liquid from evaporating and help with lubrication. Mucus helps spread the tears on your eye surface. The proteins and antibodies help resist infection to protect your eye health.

The special gland that is around your eyes secretes these components. When your tear system has a deficiency or an imbalance, your tear evaporation rate increases, and you develop dry eyes.

Causes of Dry Eyes


You develop dry eyes when your eyes lack enough moisture to remain lubricated and keep you comfortable. Insufficient tear production can lead to this lack of lubrication or moisture. Inadequate moisture irritates your cornea, the clear front part of your eye that includes the pupil and iris.

When you blink, your tears cover the cornea and help it remain healthy and lubricated. Dry eyes can result from different environmental and biological conditions. Below are some of its causes:

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Pregnancy

  • Insufficient blinking that causes eyestrain

  • Hormone replacement therapy

  • Laser eye surgery like LASIK

  • Taking high blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and decongestants

  • Wearing contacts


Symptoms of Dry Eyes


Below are dry eye signs and symptoms that affect both eyes:

  • Eye fatigue

  • A burning, scratchy or stinging sensation in the eyes

  • Light sensitivity

  • Difficulty driving at night

  • Blurred vision

  • Stringy mucus around and in the eyes

  • Eye redness

  • Difficulty wearing contacts

  • Watery eyes as a response to the irritation caused by dry eyes


Eye Drops for Treating Dry Eyes


Eye drops for dry eyes come as ointments, gels, or traditional drops. They contain electrolytes, lubricants, and humectants that retain moisture. The ointments and gels work best when you use them overnight as they last in the eyes longer.

Why Eye Drops May Not Be Enough for Treatment


Eye drops may not be a permanent solution for your dry eye problem. It will temporarily moisten your eyes and dry up as you keep using the drops repetitively. If your goal is to treat dry eyes and improve the quality of life, be sure to speak with your optometrist for effective treatments.

For more about eye drops, visit Urban Optics at our office in College Station, Texas. You can call (979) 690-0888 to book an appointment today.

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